Tag Archive: Second Life

Back to ProTools

So there’s a time when a fellow must finish what he’s started. That’d be me and Wednesday’s Song. Somehow I got interested in playing Second Life gigs. It’s addicting cause real live people are behind those avatars listening to the tunes. But, I’m back to WS. There’s such a tiny bit left to do. Little bitty drum edits on 2 songs and a polish mix on 4 more. Soooo, yeah, I opened, em up and did the drum edits.

Life is so weird isn’t it? There’s almost nothing left to do percentage wise. What is it about ourselves that’ll ignore something almost finished? Fear? I really don’t think that’s it in my case. I just like coming up with the concept so much that as soon as a project becomes routine my fun loving brain flits off to a new idea.

There was a little phrase in a book of nothing but little phrases I used to keep in the loo. The one that stuck in my mind was:

The last lap is the hardest.

Second Life is taking off

I’ve been a little obsessed with Second Life since that article in Electronic Musician magazine. My avatar has fancy hair now and is getting slimmer and younger. It’s been a gas, really. 2 shows so far. No amp to carry. Real people behind those avatars. Veddy interesting.

So far my avatar has his own life completely separate from mine, even with a myspace page. We might get together down the line the way Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus do. So far it’s pretty kewl having a rock star avatar to kick around. Highly recommended.

Gotta real life gig coming up. Details soon.

Second Life

Ha! I’ve made my avator for Second Life after reading about musicians playing gigs in the virtual space. It took some time to figure my way around. No way to run in and make a fast buck. Flying, designing my hair, it all took some poking around. Because of a glitch I didn’t realize I was walking around in my underwear. I’m classy like that.  

It’s the birth of Elvis Duffy. That’s my avatar name. People are setting up myspace pages for their avatars. I’ll probably do it too. But, man, how much web presence is needed? I was hoping to manage another webpage. That’s a joke.  

First thing I’ll do is learn to take a picture of Elvis Duffy in his world. I tried to make him look a bit like me. He looks pretty young, tho. There was nothing I could figure out about making him look my age. I did have control over how fat he is. Somehow I chose to make him a little slimmer than the real me. Stay tuned for an appearance by Elvis…Duffy

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