Tag Archive: ProTools

Back to ProTools

So there’s a time when a fellow must finish what he’s started. That’d be me and Wednesday’s Song. Somehow I got interested in playing Second Life gigs. It’s addicting cause real live people are behind those avatars listening to the tunes. But, I’m back to WS. There’s such a tiny bit left to do. Little bitty drum edits on 2 songs and a polish mix on 4 more. Soooo, yeah, I opened, em up and did the drum edits.

Life is so weird isn’t it? There’s almost nothing left to do percentage wise. What is it about ourselves that’ll ignore something almost finished? Fear? I really don’t think that’s it in my case. I just like coming up with the concept so much that as soon as a project becomes routine my fun loving brain flits off to a new idea.

There was a little phrase in a book of nothing but little phrases I used to keep in the loo. The one that stuck in my mind was:

The last lap is the hardest.

NAMM 2008


NAMM 2008 started today and I’m pleased to say it’s big and fun. I stopped by the Samick booth to pose in front my own picture. Kind of weird and nice at the same time. Samick endorses me. I’ve been playing a Royale nonstop for over 3 years and I love it!

Lest my head get any bigger, Les Paul has a huge picture at the Gibson booth. He invented the electric guitar and plays a gig every week in New York at the age of 91. That’s a guy who deserves a picture on the wall.

I’m going to try to go back again on Sunday and find out the latest scoop on Digidesign and ProTools and Logic 8.

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