Tag Archive: reverbnation

Sowing digital seeds

It’s a bit of a slo-motion thrill the upload my cd to the various online music sites. CDbaby is great. I’m only print physical cds by hand to meet modest demand. There’s just too many boxes of previous efforts filling up my storage space. The digital download is so ez for everyone. I have to admit tho, if I see a show and like the band, I want to buy the actually cd.

Bandcamp is super cool. Users can pick their preferred audio format to download from a clean/ez interface.

Reverbnation kind of offers it all but seems like a bit of a learning curve. My store is up. But I need to start a mailing list from scratch. No time like the present.

On the road and into code

toay’s weight = 226.6
start = 227 (june 1, 2010)
goal = 172 (june 20, 2011)

Run road gig yesterday playing bass for Brain Brew. It’s murder mystery theater. Irregular eating schedule.

I’m loving what reverbnation is supposed to do. But I’m scratching my head about inserting a free mp3 widget into the blog.

Proudly, my reverbnation store is up.

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