Wednesday’s Song the movie

I’m indulging my filmmaker side again. Indeed, the script has begun. I can’t help but think of story ideas. It must be because of doing so many songs for picture over the years.

I love recording the songs. But I’m longing to put together a bigger puzzle. Now I’m not talking about a multi-million dollar affair. More like the micro budget indie type of movie. I love that stuff. Always have. My friends have made indies over the years and I’ve participated to varying degrees. The thing is it all comes down to the writing. Not so different than music in that respect. I’ve written some scripts but something always keeps me from pulling the trigger on going into production. Story problem. Unreliable people problem. Not following through so the momentum is lost. Though usually it’s something about the story that keeps me from directing my first movie.

There’s more constraints for the microbudgets. No airplanes, nuclear explosions, or even normal looking locations with 40 extras. You gotta write with what you have. And it’s gotta feel like spending 45 minutes in a coffeehouse is the most natural thing in the world, not cause you couldn’t get any more locations.

In my case I gotta wrap a story around a middle age guy that includes my music. In a natural way. And I’d like to officially introduce my wife, Natasha, to Wednesday’s Song. She’s an actress. You guessed it. She’s in the movie, too with her darling, slight eastern European accent. She’s an ingenue type. That’s sounds like a natural doesn’t it? Well, I think I’ve got my brain working on a good scenario. I wrote 21 pages since last week. I’ve been stewing on the idea for quite a while but there was a moment driving around where I met the characters. More to come on that.

As of now, Wednesday’s Song, is about the movie inspired by the songs.

1 Comment

  1. Curt Wylde

    You can afford and few nuclear explosions. Sounds like a great project. Good luck

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