The Tiniest Miracle

My beautiful chair broke a couple of months ago during an all nighter. I’d been working about  20 hours straight and leaned back. Boom. The rail that holds the back to the bottom broke flinging me backwards and skinning my knee on the underside of my desktop. Very dignified. Well, well.

I’ve been keeping the carcass behind my studio desk for no particular reason other than it hurts so much to part with a dear friend that doesn’t hurt my back even after many hours sitting on it. Some people made cracks about my pakrat behavior.

Lo and behold. Jerry Witt, owner of Motion City Films, and the man from whom I sublet my studio threw away a chair. I saw it in the trash bin. Looked twice. Could it be? Yes, I, a professional music producer, dumpster dived and fished it out. The part is a perfect match! Yay! I really love my chair. The arms aren’t a perfect match (see below). Now it has character. You can take the boy out of Tennessee but you can’t take the Tennessee out of the boy.

Happy Sitting


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