
Feeling it

I’m singing right now. I’ve got something bubbling up. Kind of writing and singing together. As in singing one line and then thnking, ‘gee, what would be good next’. Hey, I read works like that sometimes.

Thanks for the responses to my email blast. It’s the first I’ve promoted the blog. Feels great to hear from you. I can tell you already keeping up with a song a week is going to get rough sometimes. This one’s got the bass, drums and 1/3 of the vocal. I sure did like it when last week’s song got done.

Go Cat Go!

! The Life And Times Of . It’s Perkins biographay. Amazon.com had a used one for $6. Carl’s still got me under his rockabilly spell. He also wrote Dixie Fried. Kentucky Headhunters do a great version that’s on youtube. Carl’s jamming with them.

Two all nighters this week related to scoring. I’m not as young as I used to be. The bounceback from such behavior gets a little harder each time. But it’s a beautiful morning in Santa Monica and I’m relaxing outside my favorite coffeshop. It’s OK to have a croissant in the morning.

There’s some free time right after this breakfast to start the next WS track. The Perkins bio better not arrived until after I’ve got this song done ; – )

Peace, Love and Understanding

Carl Perkins…

…is the hero of Jackson, TN, our hometown. I never gave much thought or respect to Carl cause I wasn’t into . and and were for me. It’s hard to be a prophet in your own hometown, I guess.

So, guess who’s a major nut suddenly? I can’t stop youtubing him. He was smoking hot. Besides he also wrote . I totally stand corrected on that one. I’ve been singing Blue Suede Shoes througout the day. Some of my friends love it. One is appalled.

I always loved the Beatles, I just couldn’t understand why they recorded 5 CP songs. Well, duh. It’s cause he rocks the house. God rest his soul. Here’s to .

I Wanna play the bass

It’s a day off from thinking about writing the next song. But I did get the feeling to do something where the bass plays power chords in the verses. Very busy on the same webisode. Several different people to please including legal departments. It’s better than not working!


The truth is I weighed 230 this morning. If I can drop a pound every week when there’s a new song posted this could add up to some serious over time. There’s never time . Or so it seems. I mean it really is hard. I’ve got a packed schedule all day. But, this week is gonna happen for sure. No super dramatic gestures. Just a pound in a week.

Owl vrs. Lark

By nature I’m an owl. It’s easy to stay up late, get inspired and go to bed as the sky is turning back on. Time and experience has forced me to admit, though, that the early bird gets the worm. So at 9am that alarm goes off. Laugh if you’re a lark. I want to get some morning productivity just like you. Maybe squeeze in a workout. I just have to remember to go to bed before 4. It’s the right thing to do. I know that. It just doesn’t feel natural.

I’ve got about half of the lyrics written. There’s meeting in the afternoon to be follwed by a composing job with a tight deadline. Rush rush. This morning sounds like a great time to track some vocals for WS.

Peace, Love and Understanding

There’s a track ; – )

(C) 2007 Edward Uken HitmanPhoto.com

There’s that moment before writing where there’s absolutely nuttin’ forming in my head. So, today I’m strumming. Nothing. Some chords are starting to come. The only thing I can think of is the the title. This one’s gonna be called Wednesday’s Song to kick off this whole endeavor. Seems fair enough? Funny how it is but deadlines are a great way to get inspired.

The tune came. And I put together a template just for this collection. Yeah, it’s going to probably change from tune to tune. But it made me feel good and put me in the mood.

Added the drums. The real thing, baby. No library loops on this project. Added the bass and some . Tomorrow I’m hoping to find some words…

Missed my own gig.

(C) 2007 Edward Uken HitmanPhoto.com

How dumb was that? It was traffic near the that held me back an hour. Well that’s it for live gigs for awhile. Time to concentrate on the 1rst Wednesday’s Song. 4 days to go. I’m already tempted to pull something old out of my hat. But, the focus is on coming up with something totally new and fresh. Spontaneity over refinement. It took 5 years to complete the Statica CD. So I know I can fall into the trap of .

So, how do you like my new promo pic? It’s for , the guitar company that endorses me. I’m cradling the Royale. Truly it’s the first guitar I’ve ever owned that goes back and forth between jazz and rock with no change in the way it feels. It’s not pricey and I love it.

The Birth Of Wednesday’s Song…

… or thanks and a shout out to who has inspired me to start posting songs every week. Jonathan is a singer-songwriter who has acheived internet superstardom viia his “” project that entailed him posting a new song every week for a year. Please check him out. He’s got a serious fan base that he earns every day.


As for me, I’m wanting to share some of my work as a singer-songwriter. I’m playing tonight at the Spring Street Smokehouse in downtown L.A. Jonathan makes his songs available using a license which means you can pay or not or use the song to make a video with. It’s pretty cool. So the batch of Wednesday’s Songs is gong to be like that.

See you on the internet.

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